After you start creating cards that others will want to use as well, you'll want to (a) identify which cards you need to lock so others can't make changes to them and (b) determine other cards you can provide links to that will enable the user to analyze and explore the data.
Linking cards
In any card Details view, you can
add links to related cards. You add a link using the Link
Related Card option,
which is located under the card content. When you add a link, a corresponding
link back to the current card is also added automatically to the linked card.
You can add links to as many cards
as you want, and links to related cards appear in the card Details view as a
thumbnail image of the linked card.
Lock/unlock cards
You can lock cards so only the
card owners and Admin users can perform actions such as editing the card,
creating drill path, and connecting/updating data.
If you want team members to see a
card but don’t want them making adjustments to it, you can simply click on the
lock icon of a card prior to sharing it out to the team.