
 Choose Chart Type

Be sure to include the following information in the description:

  • Use an appropriate chart type with...

  • Use an appropriate summary number for the data represented in the card.

  • Ensure the card is linked to other appropriate content that applies to the same business question.

  • Ensure the card is assigned to the appropriate owner (the person responsible for answering questions about the card).

Card Analyzer:

Analyzer interface: Part 1

After you've selected a DataSet to power your card, you'll enter Analyzer. Before you start building anything, explore the multiple options within the Analyzer interface. First, let's review the essentials. Select each button below to learn about each feature.

DataSet View

With the DataSet view, you can quickly update cells in your dataset in real time. You can also choose different DataSets for your card here. 

Value or Y axis

This is the field that determines what appears in the Value or Y axis of your chart. Drag and drop the appropriate dimension or measure component to this field to power your chart. The Y axis, however, should typically be a numerical value.

Category or X axis

This is the field that determines what appears in the Category or X axis of your chart. Drag and drop the appropriate dimension or measure component to this field to power your chart.

Card name and description

The card name should make the purpose of the card clear to the audience and should be optimized for searching.

The description should clarify the purpose of the card and the actions you can take based on what you see.

Connecting to data

Every card is powered by a DataSet, which you are prompted to select any time you build a new card. Here, you can go directly to the DataSet powering the card or choose to swap the DataSet out for another one. 


These categories represent text-based or string data columns in your DataSet. You will drag items from this area to the appropriate X, Y, Series, Filter, or Sorting fields, depending on what you want to show in your chart.


These values represent metric number-based data columns in your DataSet. You will drag items from this area to the appropriate X, Y, Series, Filter, or Sorting fields, depending on what you want to show in your chart.

Undo and Redo

If you aren't happy with the result of an edit you made in Analyzer, select the Undo or Redo to revert the changes made.


The Save button and dropdown menu enable you to save while you're building, save out new versions of this card, leave a comment to document changes you've made to a card before saving it, and save and close the card. If you try to leave or close this window before your edits/changes have been saved, a popup will warn you to save your card first.


This field lets you apply a filter to items in a given column as well as turn on Quick Filters, which enable card users to apply their own filters in Details view. For example, you may want to filter by region or contact person.

Limit Rows

Enter a number to limit the number of rows being used in your visualization.


The Sorting field can be used to reorder the data in your chart. Drag a column to this field to use it for sorting.

Summary Number

Add a summary number for the chart to provide a single value that addresses the business question in that card. Summary number options include percentage, dollar value, count of, sum of, and more

Date range & grain

The date range helps you ensure the data in the card represents an actionable or relevant timeframe and the date grain determines whether to graph by day, week, month, and more.

Chart Types

This tool lets you specify or change the chart type representing your data. Chart types are divided into categories and are chosen based on the type of business question you want to answer.

DataSet View

In some cases, you may want to see the DataSet powering your card, or change some of the data in your columns. Here, you can focus on analyzing the columns of data powering your card. With the integrated DataSet view, you can also Join another DataSet, clean up the data by renaming columns, removing columns, and changing the data type, and create nested Beast Modes. 

Managing your focus by hiding tools

There is a lot to Analyzer, but you don't always need to use all of the features at once. That's why the feature ribbon is designed to help you focus on specific tasks.

For example, let's say you've opened Analyzer, but all you want to work on is adjusting a YOY or period-over-period chart. In that case, you can hide other features that are less relevant to the task at hand. 


Using Data Lineage

The Data Lineage view offers you a quick way of identifying the sources powering the data in any given card. View this short video to see how beneficial the Data Lineage feature can be in determining what's powering a DataSet.

DataSet lineage details

Select the name of any DataSet in a lineage to expand the information panel for the DataSet. This shows you the owner, the connector, last update time, and columns.

DataSet details view

Select the name of a DataSet again to open the DataSet details view. 

In the Overview tab, view the direct impact of the DataSet. Quickly view how many alerts, cards, DataSets, and DataFlows that are affected by that particular DataSet

Data lineage color coding

The colors of the lines that you see in Data Lineage are also a quick way to identify if there are any problems in the DataFlows powering the DataSet or card in question. It can show you whether your data is up-to-date and running on time.

If there are any issues between one step of the lineage to another, the line for that step appears red or orange instead of blue. Orange indicates that this DataSet has broken but has not run since breaking (possibly indicating a recent problem). Red indicates that a DataSet has attempted to run at least once since breaking. This color coding lets you know where problems are occurring so you can go in and fix your connections.

Adding a Card to Domo

With Cards being the main data visualization tool, it's easy to add a new Card from many locations in Domo. 

Add a Card to a specific Page by clicking the plus icon. You can either add an existing Card in your instance or create an entirely new Card. By default, when creating a new Card, it will be added to the Page as a medium size.

Create a new Card directly from a DataSet. Navigate to the Cards tab in the DataSet Details view. Then click Add Card. By default, any Card added by this method will be added to your Overview Page.

Add a Card from anywhere in Domo by using the Add to Domo icon in the Navigational Header. By default, any Card added by this method will be added to your Overview Page.

Creating a Card:

Create Data set:

  1. If you haven't already, download the Card Builder Sample DataSet in the file repository of this training.
  2. In your Domo instance, click on Data in the navigational header.
  3. Click File in the Connect Data ribbon, then select the File Upload connector.
  4. Click Get the Data and brose your files or drag and drop the file onto the connector screen.
  5. Go through the File Upload tabs to complete and click Next to: Select tables, Preview, and choose an Update Method. Then, name your DataSet Card Builder Sample + [Your Initials].

Create Stacked Bar chart:

  1. On your Overview page, add a new card by selecting the plus icon then Create new Card.
  2. Click Visualization, then select Exisiting Data.
  3. Search for and select the Card Builder Sample DataSet.
  4. In Analyzer under Chart Types, select Popular Charts and then select Bar.
  5. From Measures, drag Sale Amount to the Y Axis field.
  6. Click Sale Amount and under Aggregation select Sum.
  7. From Dimensions, drag Date to the X Axis field.
  8. Drag Product Line to the Series field. 
  9. Click on the Date Range and change the Graph By to Quarter.
  10. Lastly, name this card Sales by Product Type + [Your Initials].

Update Summary Number:

Summary Numbers provide a single number to aid in answering the business question. For example, the total sales of the current quarter can help in interpreting the amount of sales for each type of product line in that quarter. Set up the summary number by following these steps:

  1. Select the dropdown menu next to the summary number.
  2. Select Use Current Value.
  3. Change the Column to Sale Amount.
  4. Change the Aggregation to Sum.
  5. Update the Label to Current Quarter Amount.
  6. Click Show Formatting Options.
  7. Change Display As to Currency.
  8. Summary Numbers auto save, so just click out of the Summary Number window.

Customize Chart Setting:

Charts can be customized in many ways including sorting, filtering, and labeling. 

The Product Line may not be in alphabetical order. From Dimensions, drag Product Line to the Sorting field and select Apply.

The dates along the x axis may also be out of order. Drag Date to the Sorting field and select Apply. 

Filters allow you to examine a subset of your data. For example, you may want to compare sales in a specific region: 

From Dimensions, drag "Country" to the Filters field. 

Select "Canada," "Mexico," and "United States".

Select Apply.

Data labels can further improve the ease of use for a card. 

In Chart Properties, select Data Label Settings.

Check the box for Show Total Label. The total for each quarter should be visible on top of each bar. 

You can use the Data tab on the top of the analyzer page to make changes to the information in your DataSet on the fly.

Note: If the Sorting or Filters fields are not visible, select them from the Feature Toolbar.


Save Card:

After creating your card, you must save it before using it or sharing with others. There are four options when saving: 

  1. Save will save the card and stay on the Analyzer screen. 
  2. Save as allows you to change the title, description, and location of the card. 
  3. Save and comment allows you to leave notes about any changes you made to the card. 
  4. Save and close will save the card and exit out of Analyzer. 

Note: Make sure you save your card as you make updates. In addition, it's often considered best practice to document the changes you've made to a card, using the Save and Comment option to do just that. In your notes, consider identifing what you changed and why. For popular cards other users access regularly, this is a great feature to help you recall your rationale and explain the changes. 


Editing cards

Now that you've created your first card, let's go back into Analyzer to adjust it so it better addresses some different business needs.  

  1. Go back to the Analyzer view of the Sales by Product Type + [Your Initials] card by selecting the Edit in Analyzer option in the card options menu.

  2. In the Date Range dropdown menu, and then under the Graph by heading, change the chart so it displays the data by year, instead of quarter.
  3. After this change you need to update the Summary Number label to Current Year Sales Amount.
  4. Select the Save dropdown menu, and then select Save and Comment.
  5. Type "Changed date grouping from quarterly to yearly" in the pop-up field. 
  6. Select Save and Close.


Edit Chart Property


  1. If you're not already there, go back into the Analyzer view for the Sales by Product Type + [Your Initials] card.
  2. In the Chart Properties menu on the left, select the Colors option. This will open up a popup window that allows you to set color rules for elements in your chart.
  3. Select Product Line from the Column dropdown menu.
  4. To the right of Product Line, select the Condition dropdown to see a list of products that you want to create color rules for.
  5. Start by selecting Widget A.
  6. Now select the Fill dropdown to the right, and then select the darkest gray option.
  7. Now select the + New button below your first color rule. 
  8. From here, under Column, ensure Product Line is still chosen and then go through the same process (steps 3-5) again, selecting each Product Line and assigning it a color.
  9. Select Apply only to this card to restrict the color changes to this card. (Apply to all cards will change the colors for every card created with this DataSet.)
  10. Select the Save dropdown menu, and then select Save and Comment. 
  11. Add "Changed colors to match conventions" in the pop-up field.  
  12. Select Save and Close.


The differences between Move/Copy and Save As    

As you continue building cards, you'll want to understand the differences among a few critical options in your card options menu. Whether you need to move, copy, or save a new copy of a card, you'll need to know when each option should or should not be used.



If you want to move a card to another page or subpage, select the Move/Copy option. For example, you might want to move a card from your Overview page to a Sales page you just created. 

Another example: Let's say you’re developing a card and going through an approval process as part of the card building workflow of your organization. You might want to first create a card on your personal page, then move it to an evaluation page for manager approval, and then later move it to the main department page after it gets validated by your manager.


You can have multiple copies of the same card on any number of pages or subpages. But it is important to establish a distinction between a Copy of a card and a card created using the Save As option.

A copied card retains any changes made to that card on any of the pages where it resides. Unless a card is locked, any changes made to the copied card will impact the card across all of its locations. The copy feature is helpful when you've finished and approved cards that are shared across multiple pages in an organization.

A card created through the Save As option will not inherit changes made to the original card from which it was created.


Save As 

The Save As option allows you to create a duplicate of the card, with you as the owner. Cards created through Save As will still be updated according to changes made to the DataSet powering the card, but they will not reflect any changes made to the original card after a duplicate is created. Changes made to the duplicate card you created also have no impact on the original.

This feature is helpful if you want to modify a card to answer a different business question than the original question

Linking and locking cards

After you start creating cards that others will want to use as well, you'll want to (a) identify which cards you need to lock so others can't make changes to them and (b) determine other cards you can provide links to that will enable the user to analyze and explore the data. 

Linking cards

In any card Details view, you can add links to related cards. You add a link using the Link Related Card option, which is located under the card content. When you add a link, a corresponding link back to the current card is also added automatically to the linked card.

You can add links to as many cards as you want, and links to related cards appear in the card Details view as a thumbnail image of the linked card.

Lock/unlock cards

You can lock cards so only the card owners and Admin users can perform actions such as editing the card, creating drill path, and connecting/updating data.

If you want team members to see a card but don’t want them making adjustments to it, you can simply click on the lock icon of a card prior to sharing it out to the team.